Oct 4

                                                                                            Adult Educatin Science

                                                                                            Fall 2010

                                                                                            Stacy Graham Teacher


                                           Living Things and the Environment


1.  What is ecology?


2.  What are some materials that organisms get from their environment?


3.  Suppose a green plant was placed in  a dark basement, how would this affect the plant?


4.  What is a popullation?


5.  What is a community?


6.  When animals eat plants the stored______________ in the plants is transferred.


7.  What is a niche?


8.   Can a seal and a fish share the same habitat?  The same niche?


9.What are 3 limiting factors of plants?


10.   Why are humans able to live in a variety of places on Earth?


11.  What are biomes?


12.  Why do more kinds of animals live in the deciduous forest than in the tundra?


13.  What is succession?


14.  What is a climax community?


15.  How is lake succession different from the succession of an open field?


16.  What are natural resources?


17.  Why is it necessary to conserve renewable resources?


18.Oil and coal are examples of what?


19.  Materials used by living things for growth and energy are called


20.  The major source of energy for most ecosystems is


21.  The spread of  organisms from one area to another is called


22.  Coniferous forests are found in the


23.  The tundra and deciduous forests are


24.  The biome that is hot and dry is


25.  The first organism to grow in a burnt area are


                                                                                      Adult Education Science

                                                                                      Fall 2010

                                                                                      Stacy Graham Teacher


                                     Interaction Among Living Things.


1.  What is one way in which organisms in an ecosystem depend on each other?


2.  What does a food web do?


3.  Briefly sketch the food web on pg 280


4.  What type of organism is always the first link in a food chain?


5.  What happens to most of the energy in a food chain?


6.  Approximately what percentage of energy is transferred to each level in an energy pyramid?


7.  Where does all the energy in an energy pyramid come from?


8.What is competition?


9.  What do plants compete for?


10.  What is symbiosis?


11.  What are 3 types of symbiotic relationships?


12.  What is a mutualism?


13.  What is commensalism?


14.  What is parasitism?


15.  What is an adaptation?


16.  What are the major sources of water on earth?


17. Sketch the water cycle from page 292.


18.  What can happen when water vapor looses heat?


19.  What is the carbon cycle?


20. What  human activites affect the carbon cycle?


21.  What is deforestesation?


22 Sketch the carbon path on pg 292


23.  Sketch the nitrogen path on pg 296


24.  How are animals dependent on plants?


25.  What is the balance of nature?


26.  In a food chain plants are classified as


27.  Organisms at the top of an energy pyramid are


28.  The major energy source for most organisms is


29.  When water evaporates it changes to


30.  Consumers that eat primary consumers are


31.  Plants compete for sunlight, water, and


32.  A flexible thumb is an example of


33.  People can damage an environment by causing


                                                                                                  Adult Education Science

                                                                                                  Fall 2010

                                                                                                  Stacy Graham Teacher


                        Support and Movement


1.  What is tissue?


2.  What type of tissue is skin?


3.  What are the funcitons of muscle, connective, and nerve tissue?


4.  What is an organ?


5. On the back side of this paper copy the chart from pg 308 Summary of Organ Systems


6.  What are the levels of organization from smallest to largest?


7.  List 3 organisms with an exoskeletonand three with an endoskeleton.


8.  On the back copy the chart jobs of the skeleton from pg 310


9.  What is cartilage?


10.  What is another name for the breast bone?


11.  Look at figure 13-8 on pg 311.  How many bones make up the lower arm?


12.What is the function of the periosteum?


13.  In what kind of bone marrow are red blood sells made?


14.  Where are red blood cells made?


15.  What is a joint?  What are three kinds of joints in the body.


16.  List four major kinds of movable joints and give examples of where they are found in the body.


17.  What is the difference between a tendon and a ligament?


18.  What does a flexor muscle do?


19.  What do extensor muscles do?


20.  What are they three types of muscles in your body?


21.  How are cardiac and smooth muscle similar?


22.  How many bones are in the human skeletal system?


23.  Blood cells are made in the


24.  The kind of muscle found in the  walls of blood vessels is


25.  Joints that allow movement in only one direction are called


26.  As an embryo develops, the artilage in the skeleton is replaced by


27.  The connective tissue that connects a muscle to a bone is


28.  Is skeletal muscle involuntary or voluntary?


29.  Spongy bone is strong an


30.  The backbone is make up of seperate bones called